Many fake products are sold online (eBay) and easy to verify the genuine product .
See the Nickelodeon sign on the photo & made in USA/Canada. All other products are copied products made in Vietnam or China & Will easily break. The fake products will easily break and paint will peal quite easily .Please don't buy the fake products as it will waste your money.
See the Nickelodeon sign on the photo & made in USA/Canada. All other products are copied products made in Vietnam or China & Will easily break. The fake products will easily break and paint will peal quite easily .Please don't buy the fake products as it will waste your money.
Paw Patrol Everest's Rescue Snowmobile Vehicle & Figure & Ultimate Rescue Skye's Mini Helicopter with Collectible Figure I MADE IN USA GENUINE Nickelodeon
- Everest saves the day with her Snow Plow with moving claws on the front to clear the road
- The Snowmobile with Everest is for kids ages 3+ No batteries required
- This pup’s gotta fly! Lift off to an ultimate rescue with Skye’s ultimate mini Heli copter! Featuring real working wheels, a flip-down rescue hook, rotating propeller, and realistic detailing, this Heli copter brings the action-packed world of adventure Bay to life! With Skye (figure included) in the cockpit, your child can use their imagination to create all kinds of ultimate rescue missions for this daring pup. For even more exciting missions, combine and play with any of the Paw Patrol ultimate rescue vehicles! The mini Heli copter easily attaches to any ultimate rescue Vehicle – the Paw Patrol is on a roll! When your child completes their mission, they can get creative using the bonus collector guide and coloring page! For hours of ultimate rescue play, lift off with Skye’s mini Heli copter!